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Conservation benefit: Installation of fences to keep goats and pigs out of forest preserve

Date Approved: 11.2002


This project protects forest, preventing the release of greenhouse gases and reducing erosion that damages coastal and ocean ecosystems.

Approximately 90 percent of all plant species native to Hawaii are found nowhere else in the world. Alarmingly, a third of them will likely be threatened with extinction in the next 10 years. Principal threats to Hawaii’s native species are feral pigs and goats, and exotic plants, which disturb native communities.

The National Tropical Botanical Garden’s Limahuli Garden and Preserve is a steep, 900-acre forested valley of great biological and cultural importance. The upper valley recently experienced an unprecedented influx of feral pigs, resulting in extensive damage. To keep the pigs out, the botanical garden needs a strong fence. It plans to build one spanning approximately 3.5 miles of rugged ridge-top terrain. This will enclose 400 acres of intact, highly diverse Hawaiian forest. Seacology is helping in the initial phase of the project by providing funding for helicopter transport of work crews and materials into this hard-to-reach area.

Project Updates

July 2004

Crews were able to cut trails and perform reconnaissance in the extremely rugged terrain to be fenced off. A GIS map of the area was created and a fencing contractor was able to fly in to obtain firm cost estimates to construct an ungulate proof fence for the 400-acre Upper Limahuli Preserve. As a result of this work, the NTBG was able to submit a proposal to the US Fish and Wildlife Service to construct the fence.

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