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United States

Pu’u O Kali Forest


Conservation benefit: Fence to keep feral deer out of the Pu’u O Kali forest

Date Approved: 07.1999


This project protects forest, preventing the release of greenhouse gases and reducing erosion that damages coastal and ocean ecosystems.

The Puú O Kali forest, located below the Haleakula crater on Maui, has been described in a scientific survey as “arguably the best remaining stand of native wiliwili forest in the world.” This dryland forest, home to several endangered plant species, is being rapidly degraded by feral axis deer.

Seacology, in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Geological Survey, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and other organizations will construct a deer-proof enclosure surrounding a diverse 220-acre forest tract in the southwest corner of Pu’u o Kali.

Project Updates

July 2004

A blessing ceremony for the completed fence was held in April, 2003 and attended by Seacology Chairman Dr. Paul Cox. Outplantings of the Hawaiian state flower, the endangered ma’o hau hele (Hibiscus brackenridgei), and several other endangered plant species native to the area, have been conducted since the completion of the fence. After an especially rainy winter, outplanted seedlings are thriving.

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