A year of conservation success, thanks to you!
Frankly, we didn’t expect to get so much done in 2022! But despite a turbulent economy, the lingering pandemic, and the environmental challenges facing many islands, we helped islanders all over the world conserve their ecosystems and strengthen their communities. We’ll have a more comprehensive review in our upcoming annual report, but here are a few highlights:
New projects in new places
With 24 new projects, 2022 was an especially productive year for us. These partnerships with island communities helped safeguard key ecosystems and helped their people thrive.
We’re particularly excited about all of the new countries we expanded to this year: Cameroon, Cyprus, El Salvador, England, and the Netherlands.
Resilient Dominican coastlines
As it approaches its third year, our mangrove conservation initiative in the Dominican Republic continues to gain momentum. Together with national partner Grupo Jaragua and local conservation groups, we’re getting the word out about the importance of healthy mangroves. And we’re helping local communities benefit economically from mangroves through investments in ecotourism, mangrove honey production, and other sustainable businesses.
Green youth sports
Our Play for the Mangroves program gets boys and girls in the Dominican Republic directly involved in protecting mangroves. The kids get much-needed baseball and volleyball equipment, learn about mangroves, and join coastal cleanups, mangrove plantings, and birdwatching trips. Most important, they share what they learn with friends and families.
Seeing the early success of this sports-for-conservation program, we’ve taken the model to Mexico and Colombia.
Strength in numbers
Thanks to many generous contributions, our fifth annual Earth Day crowdfunding campaign was another success.
This year’s campaign fully funded our project with SEED Madagascar, which is helping local communities restore the fragmented, ecologically valuable Sainte Luce forest and fight the frequent wildfires that threaten it.
photo © Adam Marks
There’s no substitute for seeing a Seacology project firsthand, and after two long years, that’s finally possible again. A group of Seacology supporters just went on an inspiring expedition to the Philippines, a joint trip with the California Academy of Sciences. It included a visit to our Tingloy Island project and snorkeling through the marine reserve the islanders established with Seacology’s support.
And 2023 will be a great year to travel with Seacology. We’ve already planned three trips — to Bonaire, Borneo, and Brazil!
Seacology Prize
In October, we honored the vision and dedication of Kevin Iro of the Cook Islands. A retired rugby champion turned ocean advocate, Iro played a key role in the creation and continuing success of Marae Moana, the Cook Islands’ huge marine reserve.
We just learned that Iro selflessly gave his award stipend back to the effort to protect and promote Marae Moana!
Donors like you made all of these accomplishments, and many more, possible with your generous support, and we are deeply grateful for every gift we receive. Island communities are on the front lines of climate change, an existential crisis they played little role in creating. As they struggle for recognition and support, we are proud to stand in solidarity with them.
On behalf of our staff, board, field representatives, and the island communities we’ve served in 68 countries, thank you for your confidence in Seacology this year. If you haven’t yet made a gift, we hope you’ll consider one. We wish you all the best in 2023!
Duane Silverstein
Executive Director